We are working with Blue-Blanc-Coeur, a company that develops many livestock-related products based on the concept of "human health, livestock health, and global health" with research on omega-3 fatty acids derived from flax seeds at its core.

2010年、F2C(フレンチフードクラスター)が来日した際、フランスの食品クラスターのブルー・ ブラン・クールが提唱する「家畜の健康、人の健康、地球の健康」をコンセプトとしたヘルシーファーミングの考え方を知り、私たちは翌年フランスを訪問しました。
In 2010, when F2C (French Food Cluster) visited Japan, we learned about the concept of Healthy Farming proposed by Bleu Blanc Cœur of the French Food Cluster, "Health of Livestock, Health of People, Health of the Planet". We visited France the following year after learning about the concept of Healthy Farming, which is based on the idea of "health of livestock, health of people, and health of the planet.
We saw farmers, supermarkets, and companies adopting the Healthy Farming concept with conviction and great empathy.
When the Healthy Farming Project was launched in 2011 as a partnership between the Kyushu Regional BioCluster Promotion Council and the French food cluster Bleu Blanc Coeur, Ogata Egg Farm joined as a member and began regular testing and analysis of feed and eggs based on the project's quality standards set forth to supply high-quality food products. Based on the project's quality standards, Ogata Egg Farm began regular inspections and analysis of its feed and eggs. After deepening communication with Bleu Blanc Cœur and making numerous changes to feed settings, in 2014 we were able to produce and start selling Omega-3 Natural Eggs, which are rich in essential fatty acids.

We used the knowledge we gained from our interactions with them in France, and through trial and error, adapted it to Japanese poultry farming, and received the first certification in Japan from the Bleu Blanc Coeur Association.

今後も、にわとりの飼育環境の整備、四季の変化に応じた飼料の設計にさらに工夫を加え、日本の食 文化に合うたまごとして品質向上を目指していきます。
We will continue to improve the environment in which we raise our chickens, add further innovations to the design of feed according to the changes in the four seasons, and aim to improve the quality of our eggs to suit the Japanese food culture.
In cooperation with local farmers, we will seek ways to contribute to the development of the local natural environment and agriculture by producing high-quality feed, improving the supply system, and reusing chicken manure as high-quality fertilizer. We are looking for ways to contribute to the development of the local natural environment and agriculture.
Bleu Blanc Cœur is a French food industry cluster that focuses on omega-3, the functional component of flax seeds, as a form of sustainable agricultural development, and aims to create a market for products born from healthy initiatives based on the concept of "healthy farming" (human health, livestock health, and earth health = healthy farming). The cluster is a French food industry cluster. More than 5,000 farmers, mainly in France, currently belong to the cluster. As a promise to consumers, the quality of the products is controlled by regularly analyzing the balance of fats and oils in the products as one indicator to see if they reach the standard values. Approved products are now distributed throughout the EU and the Omega-3 brand has been established, with products bearing this logo on store shelves.
Our Promise
たまごの味わいや鮮度は、にわとりが食べる「えさ」や健康状態と深く関わってきます。Chickens we raise
As poultry farmers, we place great importance on the balance of the three elements of freshness, health, and flavor.
The taste and freshness of eggs are deeply related to the "feed" that the chickens eat and their health. -
そんな場所でにわとりたちは暮らしていますChicken Growing Environment
Surrounded by rice paddies, cool breezes blow through the bamboo grove even in summer.
Chickens live in such a place.
We sell eggs and processed products online.
We hope you will enjoy our eggs and processed products carefully nurtured in this rich natural environment.